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Prof. Dr. Ingrid Fleming

Project B01

Institute for Vascular Signalling, Center for Molecular Medicine

Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main


Professional Career

Since 2010


Center for Molecular Medicine

Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Since 2008

Professor of Physiology (W3)

and Director of the Institute for Vascular Signalling

Center for Molecular Medicine,

Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, German

2007 - 2008


Center of Physiology at Goethe University

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

2004 - 2008

Professor of Physiology (C3)

Vascular Signalling, Goethe University

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

1999 - 2004


Vascular Signal Transduction Section

Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

1993 - 1999

Senior Research Fellow

Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

1991 - 1993

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany

1988 - 1991


 in Molecular Pharmacology

Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France,

Selected Publications

Bibli S-I, Hu J, Looso M, Weigert A, Ratiu C, Wittig J, Drekolia MK, Thombor L, Randriamboavonjy V, Leisegang M, Goymann P, Delgado Lagos F, Fisslthaler B, Zukunft S, Kyselova A, Justo AFO, Heidler J, Tsilimigras D, Brandes RP, Dimmeler S, Papapet-ropoulos A, Knapp S, Offermanns S, Wittig I, Nishimura SL, Sigala F, Fleming I: Mapping the endothelial cell sulfhydrome highlights the role of cysteine sulfhydration in integrin signaling. Circulation, 143:935-48, 2021.

Delgado Lagos F, Elgheznawy A, Kyselova A, Meyer zu Heringdorf D, Ratiu C, Randriamboavonjy V, Mann AW, Fisslthaler B, Siragusa M, Fleming I: Secreted modular calcium binding protein 1 binds and activates thrombin to account for platelet hyper-reactivity in diabetes. Blood, 137:1641-51, 2021.

Kesevan R, Frömel T, Zukunft S, Laban H, Geyer A, Naeem Z, Heidler J, Wittig I, Elwakeel E, Brüne B, Weigert A, Popp R, Fleming I: Cyp2c44 regulates prostaglandin synthesis, lymphangiogenesis and metastasis in a mouse model of breast cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 117:5923-30, 2020.

Siragusa M, Thöle J, Bibli S-I, Luck B, Loot AE, de Silva K, Wittig I, Heidler J, Stingl H, Randriamboavonjy V, Kohlstedt K, Brüne B, Weigert A, Fisslthaler B, Fleming I: Nitric oxide maintains endothelial redox homeostasis through PKM2 inhibition. EMBO J, 38:e100938, 2019.

Bibli S-I*, Hu J*, Sigala F, Wittig I, Heidler J, Zukunft S, Randriamboavonjy V, Wittig J, Siuda D, Kojonazarov B, Tsilimigras D, Schürmann C, Siragusa M, Luck B, Abdel Malik R, Filis KA, Zografos G, Chen C, Wang DW, Pfeilschifter J, Brandes RP, Szabo C, Papapetropoulos A, Fleming I: Cystathionine γ lyase sulfhydrates the RNA binding protein HuR to preserve endothelial cell
function and delay atherosclerosis development. Circulation, 139(1):101-14, 2019. (*equal contribution)

Hu J, Dziumbla S, Lin J, Bibli S-I, Zukunft S, de Mos J, Awwad K, Frömel T, Jungmann A, Devraj K, Cheng Z, Wang L, Fauser S, Eber-hart CG, Sodhi A, Hammock BD, Liebner S, Müller OJ, Glaubitz C, Hammes H-P, Popp R, Fleming I: Inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase prevents diabetic retinopathy. Nature, 552:248-52, 2017.

Abdel Malik R, Zippel N, Frömel T, Heidler J, Zukunft S, Walzog B, Ansari N, Pampaloni F, Wingert S, Rieger MA, Wittig I, Fisslthaler B, Fleming I: AMP-activated protein kinase  α2 in neutrophils regulates hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and a network of proteins affecting metabolism and vascular repair after ischemia. Circ Res, 120:99-109, 2017.

Elgheznawy A, Shi L, Hu J, Wittig I, Laban H, Pircher J, Mann A, Provost P, Randriamboavonjy V, Fleming I: Dicer cleavage by calpain determines platelet microRNA levels and function in diabetes. Circ Res, 117:157-65, 2015.

Fisslthaler B, Popp R, Kiss L, Potente M, Harder DR, Fleming I, Busse R: Cytochrome P450 2C is an EDHF synthase in coronary arteries. Nature, 401:493-7, 1999.

Fleming I, Gray GA, Julou-Schaeffer G, Parratt JR, Stoclet J-C: Incubation with endotoxin activates the L-arginine pathway in vascular tissue. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 171:562-8, 1990.


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Heidelberg University
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