School of Angioscience
The promotion of young researchers is a central goal of the CRC1366. Therefore, the Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) 'School of Angioscience' has been set up to provide training, mentoring and supervision for PhD and MD research students on three levels within
the participating research groups
existing roof graduate schools
the angioscience curriculum of the CRC1366
In this curriculum, a combination of decentral practical and theoretical courses ('Student Retreats'), summer schools and seminar series are implemented. Completion of the program complements training provided by the hosting roof graduate school and provides young investigators with CRC1366-specific scientific skills and competencies, as well as laboratory management and communication skills that will ensure individual success and long-term advancement of angioscience research. Beyond the formal training aspect, the ITRG is a hub for junior researchers in SFB 1366, serving the important purpose of networking and exchange to foster an atmosphere conducive to the strong collaborative spirit within SFB 1366.

Head of Graduate School
Prof. Dr. Jörg Heineke
European Center for Angioscience (ECAS), Medical Faculty Mannheim
Heidelberg University