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Prof. Dr. Cyrill Géraud

Project B03

Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology

University Medical Center Mannheim and
European Center for Angioscience

Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University


Professional Career

Since 2018

Vice Speaker

Research Training Group DFG-RTG/GRK 2099

Since 2017

Associate Professor (W3)

for Clinical and Molecular Dermatology

Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Germany

Since 2017

Consultant Physician (Leitender Oberarzt)

Department of Dermatology, Venereology, and Allergology

University Medical Center Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Germany

2015 - 2018

Scientific Coordinator

 Research Training Group DFG-RTG/GRK 2099

2015 - 2017

Consultant physician (Geschäftsführender Oberarzt)

Department of Dermatology, Venereology, and Allergology

University Medical Center Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Germany

2008 -2013

Resident Physician

Department of Dermatology, Venereology, and Allergology
University Medical Center Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Germany

2009 -2017

Group Leader

Prof. Dr. Sergij Goerdt, Department of Dermatology, Venereology, and
Allergology, University Medical Center Mannheim, University of

Heidelberg, Germany



Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany

Selected Publications

Winkler M*, Staniczek T*, Kürschner SW*, Schmid CD*, Schönhaber H, Cordero J, Kessler L, Mathes A, Sticht C, Neßling M, Uvarovskii A, Anders S, Zhang XJ, von Figura G, Hartmann D, Mogler C, Dobreva G, Schledzewski K, Géraud C*, Koch PS*, Goerdt S*: Endothelial GATA4 controls liver fibrosis and regeneration by preventing a pathogenic switch in angiocrine signaling. J Hepatol, 74:380-93, 2020. (*equal contribution)

Winkler M*, Biswas S*, Berger SM, Küchler M, Preisendörfer L, Choo M, Früh S, Rem PD, Enkel T, Arnold B, Komljenovic D, Sticht C, Goerdt S, Bettler B, von Bohlen Und Halbach O, Bartsch D, Géraud C: Pianp deficiency links GABAB receptor signaling and hippocampal and cerebellar neuronal cell composition to autism-like behavior. Mol Psychiatry, 25:2979-93, 2020. (*equal contribution)

Wohlfeil SA*, Häfele V*, Dietsch B, Schledzewski K, Winkler M, Zierow J, Leibing T, Malek Mohammadi M, Heineke J, Sticht C, Olsavszky V, Koch PS, Géraud C†, Goerdt S†: Hepatic endothelial Notch activation protects against liver metastasis by regulating endothelial-tumor cell adhesion independent of angiocrine signaling. Cancer Res, 79:598-610, 2019. (* and † equal contribution)

Leibing T*, Géraud C*, Augustin I, Boutros M, Augustin HG, Okun JG, Langhans CD, Zierow J, Wohlfeil SA, Olsavszky V, Schled-zewski K, Goerdt S, Koch PS: Angiocrine Wnt signaling controls liver growth and metabolic maturation in mice. Hepatology, 68:707-22, 2018. (*equal contribution)

Bauer C, Abdul Pari AA, Umansky V, Utikal J, Boukamp P, Augustin HG, Goerdt S, Géraud C*, Felcht M*: T-lymphocyte profiles differ between keratoacanthomas and invasive squamous cell carcinomas of the human skin. Cancer Immunol Immunother, 67:1147-57, 2018. (*equal contribution)

Géraud C*, Koch PS*, Zierow J*, Klapproth K, Busch K, Olsavszky V, Leibing T, Demory A, Ulbrich F, Diett M, Sticht C, Breitkopf-Heinlein K, Richter K, Karppinen SM, Pihlajaniemi T, Arnold B, Rodewald HR, Augustin HG, Schledzewski K, Goerdt S: GATA4-dependent organ-specific endothelial differentiation controls liver development and embryonic hematopoiesis. J Clin Invest, 127:1099-114, 2017. (*equal contribution)

Koch PS*, Olsavszky V*, Ulbrich F, Sticht C, Demory A, Leibing T, Henzler T, Meyer M, Zierow J, Schneider S, Breitkopf-Heinlein K, Gaitantzi H, Spencer-Dene B, Arnold B, Klapproth K, Schledzewski K, Goerdt S†, Géraud C†: Angiocrine Bmp2 signaling in murine liver controls normal iron homeostasis. Blood, 129:415-9, 2017. (* and † equal contribution)

Baum C, Weiss C, Gebhardt C, Utikal J, Marx A, Koenen W, Géraud C: Sentinel node metastasis mitotic rate (SN-MMR) as a prognostic indicator of rapidly progressing disease in patients with sentinel node-positive melanomas. Int J Cancer, 140: 1907-17, 2017.

Schledzewski K,* Géraud C*, Arnold B, Wang S, Gröne HJ, Kempf T, Wollert KC, Straub BK, Schirmacher P, Demory A, Schönhaber H, Gratchev A, Dietz L, Thierse HJ, Kzhyshkowska J, Goerdt S: Deficiency of liver sinusoidal scavenger receptors stabilin-1 and -2 in mice causes glomerulofibrotic nephropathy via impaired hepatic clearance of noxious blood factors. J Clin Invest, 121:703-14, 2011. (*equal contribution)

Géraud C*, Schledzewski K*, Demory A, Klein D, Kaus M, Peyre F, Sticht C, Evdokimov K, Lu S, Schmieder A, Goerdt S: Liver sinusoidal endothelium: a microenvironment-dependent differentiation program in rat including the novel junctional protein liver endothelial differentiation-associated protein-1. Hepatology, 52:313-26, 2010. (*equal contribution)

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European Center for Angioscience

Medical Faculty Mannheim
Heidelberg University
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
D-68167 Mannheim

Phone +49 621/383-71450

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