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PD Dr. Katja Breitkopf-Heinlein

(Associated Member since March, 2019)   Project AP

Translational Research Group, Department of Surgery

University Medical Center Mannheim, Heidelberg University


Professional Career

Since 2021


of translational research projects, Department of Surgery

University Hospital at Mannheim, Heidelberg University

2015 - 2020

Project Leader

of the Translational Hepatology Group, Department of Medicine II

University Hospital at Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Germany


One-Year Industry Sabbatical

at MediCyte GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany

(sponsored by the Department of Medicine)

2004 - 2013

Senior Scientist

Alcohol Research in Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine II

University Hospital at Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Germany

2000 - 2004

Postdoctoral Fellow and SFB542 Group Leader

Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry

RWTH University Hospital, Aachen, Germany

1996 - 1999


Institiute of Dermatology, University of Cologne, Germany

Selected Publications

Gaitantzi H, Karch J, Germann L, Cai C, Rausch V, Birgin E, Rahbari N, Seitz T, Hellerbrand C, König C, Augustin HG, Mogler C, de la Torre C, Gretz N, Itzel T, Teufel A, Ebert MPA, Breitkopf-Heinlein K: BMP-9 Modulates the Hepatic Responses to LPS. Cells, 9:617, 2020.

Aghamaliyev U, Gaitantzi H, Thomas M, Simon-Keller K, Gaiser T, Marx A, Yagublu V, Araos J, Cai C, Valous NA, Halama N, Kiesslich T, Ebert M, Grützmann R, Rückert F, Breitkopf-Heinlein K: Downregulation of SPARC Is Associated with Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Low Differentiation State of Biliary Tract Cancer Cells. Eur Surg Res, 60:1-12, 2019.

Gaitantzi H, Meyer C, Rakoczy P, Thomas M, Wahl K, Wandrer F, Bantel H, Alborzinia H, Wölfl S, Ehnert S, Nüssler A, Bergheim I, Ciuclan L, Ebert M, Breitkopf-Heinlein K, Dooley S: Ethanol sensitizes hepatocytes for TGF-β- triggered apoptosis. Cell Death Dis, 9:51, 2018.

Breitkopf-Heinlein K, Meyer C, König C, Gaitantzi H, Addante A, Thomas M, Wiercinska E, Li Q, Wan F, Hellerbrand C, Valous NA, Hahnel M, Bode JG, Müller-Bohl S, Klingmüller U, Altenöder J, Ilkavets I, Goumans M, Hawinkels LJAC, Lee S, Wieland M, Mogler C, Ebert MP, Herrera B, Augustin H, Sánchez A, Dooley S, tenDijke P. BMP-9 interferes with liver regeneration and promotes liver fibrosis. Gut, 66:939-54, 2017

Koch PS, Olsavszky V, Ulbrich F, Sticht C, Demory A, Leibing T, Henzler T, Meyer M, Zierow J, Schneider S, Breitkopf-Heinlein K, Gaitantzi H, Spencer-Dene B, Arnold B, Klapproth K, Schledzewski K, Goerdt S, Géraud C. Angiocrine Bmp2 signaling in murine liver controls normal iron homeostasis. Blood. 2017;129:415-9.

Ramachandran SD, Schirmer K, Münst B, Heinz S, Ghafoory S, Wölfl S, Simon-Keller K, Marx A, Øie CI, Ebert MP, Walles H, Braspenning J, Breitkopf-Heinlein K. In Vitro Generation of Functional Liver Organoid-Like Structures Using Adult Human Cells. PLoS One,10:e0139345, 2015.

Gobejishvili L*, Barve S*, Breitkopf-Heinlein K*, Li Y, Zhang J, Avila DV, Dooley S, McClain CJ. Rolipram attenuates bile duct ligation-induced liver injury in rats: a potential pathogenic role of PDE4. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 347:80-90, 2013 (*KB-H, LG and SB contributed equally).

Li Q, Gu X, Weng H, Ghafoory S, Liu Y, Feng T, Dzieran J, Li L, Ilkavets I, Kruithof-de Julio M, Munker S, Marx A, Piiper A, Augusto Alonso E, Gretz N, Gao C, Wölfl S, Dooley S, Breitkopf-Heinlein K. Bone morphogenetic protein-9 induces epithelial to mesenchymal transition in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Cancer Sci. 104:398-408, 2013

Ciuclan L, Ehnert S, Ilkavets I, Weng H-L, Gaitantzi H, Tsukamoto H, Ueberham E, Singer MV, Breitkopf K*, Dooley S*. TGF-β enhances alcohol dependent hepatocyte damage via down regulation of alcohol dehydrogenase I. J. Hepatol, 52:407-16, 2009 (*KB and SD contributed equally).

Wiercinska E, Wickert L, Denecke B, Said HM, Hamzavi J, Gressner AM, Thorikay M, ten Dijke P, Mertens PR, Breitkopf K*, Dooley S*. Id1 is a critical mediator in TGF-beta-induced transdifferentiation of rat hepatic stellate cells. Hepatology, 43:1032-41, 2006 (*KB and SD contributed equally).

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European Center for Angioscience

Medical Faculty Mannheim
Heidelberg University
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
D-68167 Mannheim

Phone +49 621/383-71450

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