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Past Events
3rd Joint Winter School and Consortium Meeting
January 19-21, 2022, Online
International Meeting 'Vascular Control of Organ Function'
June 28-30, 2021, Online
2nd Joint Summer School and Consortium Meeting
April 21-23, 2021, Online
1st Joint Summer School and Consortium Meeting
June 22-24, 2020, Pfalzhotel Asselheim, Grünstadt, Germany
Program Summer School
German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology Meeting 2019
October 25-27, 2019, Heidelberg, Germany
Consortium Meeting
October 24-25, 2019, Heidelberg, Germany
Woman in Science Symposium
Impediment or Inspiration for a Scientific Career? Successful Women in Metabolism and
Diabetes Research
Septermber 12, 2019, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Germany
German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology Meeting 2019
October 25-27, 2019, Heidelberg, Germany
Sfb 1366 - Wie Blutgefäße die Organfunktion kontrollieren
presented by: Prof. Hellmut Augustin, Dr. Katharina Schlereth, Prof. Michael Platten
July 11, 2019, Karlstorbahnhof, Heidelberg, Germany
CRC 1366 - Kickoff Meeting
March 1, 2019, Mannheim, Germany

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