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Prof. Dr. Harald Langer

Project B08

Medical Clinic II – Cardiology, Angiology, Intensive Care Medicine

University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck, and
I. Medical Clinic, University Medical Center Mannheim, and European Center for Angioscience, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg


Professional Career

Since 2022

I. Medizinische Klinik, University Medical Center Mannheim, and

European Center for Angioscience, Medical Faculty Mannheim,

University of Heidelberg, Germany

Since 2020


Preventive and Translational Cardiology

University of Lübeck, Germany

Since 2018

Professor (W3)

Internal Medicine Cardiology

University of Lübeck, Germany

2018 -2020


Medical Clinic II, University of Lübeck, Germany

2011 - 2017

Professor (W1)

Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany

2010 -2011

IZKF Junior Research Group Leader

Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany

2007 -2010

Postdoctoral Fellow

Experimental Immunology Branch, NCI/NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

2004 -2007


Department of Cardiology, University of Tübingen



Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany


Professor (W3)

Cardiology, Inflammatory Heart Diseases

Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany

Selected Publications

Nording H, Baron L, Haberthür D, Emschermann F, Mezger M, Sauter M, Sauter R, Patzelt J, Knoepp K, Nording A, Meusel M, Meyer-Saraei R, Hlushchuk R, Sedding D, Borst O, Eitel I, Karsten CM, Feil R, Pichler B, Erdmann J, Verschoor A, Chavakis E, Chavakis T, von Hundelshausen P, Köhl J, Gawaz M, Langer HF: The C5a/C5a receptor 1 axis controls tissue neovascularization through CXCL4 release from platelets. Nat Commun, 12:3352, 2021.

Köhler D, Granja T, Volz J, Koeppen M, Langer HF, Hansmann G, Legchenko E, Geisler T, Bakchoul T, Eggstein C, Häberle HA, Nieswandt B, Rosenberger P: Red blood cell-derived semaphorin 7A promotes thrombo-inflammation in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury through platelet GPIb. Nat Commun, 11:1315, 2020.

Wen L, Feil S, Wolters M, Thunemann M, Regler F, Schmidt K, Friebe A, Olbrich M, Langer HF, Gawaz M, de Wit C, Feil R: A shear-dependent NO-cGMP-cGKI cascade in platelets acts as an auto-regulatory brake of thrombosis. Nat Commun, 9:4301, 2018.

Sauter RJ, Sauter M, Reis ES, Emschermann FN, Nording H, Ebenhöch S, Kraft P, Münzer P, Mauler M, Rheinlaender J, Madlung J, Edlich F, Schäffer TE, Meuth SG, Duerschmied D, Geisler T, Borst O, Gawaz M, Kleinschnitz C, Lambris JD, Langer HF: A functional relevance of the anaphylatoxin receptor C3aR for platelet function and arterial thrombus formation marks an intersection point
between innate immunity and thrombosis. Circulation, 138:1720-35, 2018.

Göbel K, Pankratz S, Asaridou C, Herrmann A, Bittner S, Merker M, Ruck T, Glumm S, Langhauser F, Kraft P, Krug T, Breuer J, Herold M, Gross C, Beckmann D, Korb-Pap A, Schuhmann M, Kürten S, Mitroulis I, Ruppert C, Nolte M, Panousis C, Klotz L, Kehrel B, Korn T, Langer HF, Pap T, Nieswandt B, Lübeckdl H, Chavakis T, Kleinschnitz C, Meuth S: Blood coagulation factor XII drives adaptive immunity during neuroinflammation via CD87-mediated modulation of dendritic cells. Nat Commun, 7:11626, 2016.


Schleicher RI, Reichenbach F, Kraft P, Kumar A, Lescan M, Todt F, Göbel K, Hilgendorf I, Geisler T, Bauer A, Olbrich M, Schaller M, Wesselborg S, O'Reilly L, Meuth SG, Schulze-Osthoff K, Gawaz M, Li X, Kleinschnitz C, Edlich F, Langer HF: Platelets induce apoptosis via membrane-bound FasL. Blood, 126:1483-93, 2015.

Langer HF, Choi EY, Zhou H, Schleicher R, Chung KJ, Tang Z, Göbel K, Bdeir K, Chatzigeorgiou A, Wong C, Bhatia S, Kruhlak MJ, Rose JW, Burns JB, Hill KE, Qu H, Zhang Y, Lehrmann E, Becker KG, Wang Y, Simon DI, Nieswandt B, Lambris JD, Li X, Meuth SG, Kubes P, Chavakis T: Platelets contribute to the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Circ Res, 110:1202-10, 2012.

Langer HF, Chung KJ, Orlova VV, Choi EY, Kaul S, Kruhlak MJ, Alatsatianos M, Deangelis RA, Roche PA, Magotti P, Li X, Economo-poulou M, Rafail S, Lambris JD, Chavakis T: Complement-mediated inhibition of neovascularization reveals a point of convergence between innate immunity and angiogenesis. Blood, 116:4395-403, 2010.

Economopoulou M *, Langer HF *, Celeste A, Orlova VV, Choi EY, Ma M, Vassilopoulos A, Callen E, Deng C, Bassing CH, Boehm M, Nussenzweig A, Chavakis T: Histone H2AX is integral to hypoxia-driven neovascularization. Nature Med, 15:553-8, 2009. (*equal contribution)

Choi EY, Chavakis E, Czabanka MA, Langer HF, Fraemohs L, Economopoulou M, Kundu RK, Orlandi A, Zheng YY, Prieto DA, Ballantyne CM, Constant SL, Aird WC, Papayannopoulou T, Gahmberg CG, Udey MC, Vajkoczy P, Quertermous T, Dimmeler S, Weber C, Chavakis T: Del-1, an endogenous leukocyte-endothelial adhesion inhibitor, limits inflammatory cell recruitment. Science, 322:1101-4, 2008.

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European Center for Angioscience

Medical Faculty Mannheim
Heidelberg University
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
D-68167 Mannheim

Phone +49 621/383-71450

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