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Prof. Dr. Christoph Plass

Project A05

Division of Cancer Epigenomics
German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg (DKFZ)


Professional Career

Since 2017


German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
Department of Cancer Epigenomics

2005 -2007


Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, Department of Medical

Microbiology and Immunology, Division of Human Cancer Genetics


Associate Professor

Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, Department of Medical

Microbiology and Immunology, Division of Human Cancer Genetics

1997 -2002

Assistant Professor

Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, Department of Medical

Microbiology and Immunology, Division of Human Cancer Genetics

1996 -1997

Cancer Research Scientist II

Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY

Molecular and Cellular Biology Department

1993 - 1996


Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY
Molecular and Cellular Biology Department

1988 - 1993


University, Lübeck, Germany

Selected Publications

Hey J, Paulsen M, Toth R, Weichenhan D, Butz S, Schatterny J, Liebers R, Lutsik P, Plass C, Mall MA: Epigenetic reprogramming of airway macrophages promotes polarization and inflammation in muco-obstructive lung disease. Nat Commun, 12:6520, 2021.

Llamazares-Prada M, Espinet E, Mijošek V, Schwartz U, Lutsik P, Tamas R, Richter M, Behrendt A, Pohl ST, Benz NP, Muley T, Warth A, Heußel CP, Winter H, Landry JJM, Herth FJ, Mertens TC, Karmouty-Quintana H, Koch I, Benes V, Korbel JO, Waszak SM, Trumpp A, Wyatt DM, Stahl HF, Plass C, Jurkowska RZ. Versatile workflow for cell type-resolved transcriptional and epigenetic
profiles from cryopreserved human lung. JCI Insight, 6:e140443, 2021.

Schlereth K, Weichenhan D, Bauer T, Heumann T, Giannakouri E, Lipka D, Jaeger S, Schlesner M, Aloy P, Eils R, Plass C*, Augustin HG*: The transcriptomic and epigenetic map of vascular quiescence in the continuous lung endothelium. eLife, 7:pii:e34423, 2018. *co-senior authors

Weichenhan D, Wang Q, Adey A, Wolf S, Shendure J, Eils R, Plass C: Tagmentation-Based Library Preparation for Low DNA Input Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing. Methods Mol Biol, 1708:105-22, 2018.

Essers M, Imbusch CD, Brors B, Oehme I, Witt O, Lübbert M, Mallm JP, Rippe K, Will R, Weichenhan D, Stoecklin G, Gerhäuser C, Oakes CC, Wang T, Plass C: DNMT and HDAC in-hibitors induce cryptic transcription start sites encoded in long terminal repeats. Nat Genet, 49:1052-1060, 2017.

Oakes CC, Seifert M, Assenov Y, Gu L, Przekopowitz M, Ruppert AS, Wang Q, Serva A, Koser S, Brocks D, Lipka D, Bogatyrova O, Mertens D, Zapatka M, Lichter P, Döhner H, Küppers R, Zenz T, Stilgenbauer S, Byrd JC and Plass C: Progressive epigenetic programming during B cell maturation yields a continuum of disease phenotypes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Nat Genet, 48:253-64, 2016.

Cabezas-Wallscheid N, Klimmeck D, Hansson J, Lipka DB, Reyes A, Wang Q, Weichenhan D, Lier A, von Paleske L, Renders S, Wünsche P, Zeisberger P, Brocks D, Gu L, Herrmann C, Haas S, Essers MAG, Brors B, Eils R, Huber W, Milsom MD, Plass C, Krijgsveld J, Trumpp A: Identification of regulatory networks in HSCs and their immediate progeny via integrated proteome, transcriptome, and DNA methylome analysis. Cell Stem Cell, 15:507-22, 2014.

Costello JF, Frühwald MC, Smiraglia DJ, Rush L, Robertson GP, Gao X, Wright F, Feramisco JD, Peltomäki P, Lang JC, Schuller DE, Yu L, Bloomfield C, Caligiuri M, Yates A, Nishikawa R, Su Huang H-J, Petrelli NJ, Zhang X, O’Dorisio MS, Held WA, Cavenee WK, Plass C: Aberrant CpG island methylation has non-random and tumor type specific patterns. Nature Genet, 25:132-38, 2000.

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European Center for Angioscience

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