Project A02
Brain endothelial cell-derived angiocrine farctors and their role in neurodevelopment
Formation and function of the central nervous system requires the integration and coordination of multiple cell types including neurons, glia, microglia and vascular cells. Although initially avascular, the CNS becomes vascularized at the same time as neural cells are also developing. How the growing vasculature influences neurodevelopmental processes is not well understood. In this project we aim to tackle this question by characterizing the active response that endothelial cells (the cells lining blood vessels) exert on developing neural cells during brain formation. Results from this project will bring a better understanding of the fundamental principles that govern CNS formation and function, crucial for advancing our understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Schematic of neocortex development: Neuroepithelial cells mature into radial glial cells (RGCs-yellow) and proliferate symmetrically to self-generate. Asymmetric divisions give rise to either neurons (cyan) or basal progenitors (pink), which undergo final symmetric divisions to give rise to neurons. Nascent neurons initiate an axon first, either tangentially or ventrally, which is then followed by a leading process. Neurons undergo locomotion mode of migration using the support of RGC fibers and start occupying their positions. Cortical neurons undergo terminal translocation to position themselves in their final stages of migration.