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Dr. Katharina Sahm

Project C01

Neurological Clinic, University Medical Center Mannheim

and European Center for Angioscience, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg


Professional Career

Since 2019

Team Leader ‘Immune Microenvironment’

CCU Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumor Immunology

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Neurology Clinic

University Medical Center Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Germany

2014 - 2019

Postdoctoral Fellow

CCU Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumor Immunology

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Neurology Clinic

University Medical Center Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Germany



Means and methods for treating or diagnosing H3.3 K27M mutant-positive



CCU Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumor Immunology

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Neurology Clinic

University Medical Center Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Germany

Selected Publications

Sahm K, Kessler T, Eisele P, Ratliff M, Sperk E, Koenig L, Breckwoldt M, Seliger C, Mildenberger I, Schrimpf D, Herold-Mende C, Zeiner P, Tabatabai G, Meuth S, Capper D, Bendszus M, von Deimling A, Wick W, Sahm F, Platten M: Concurrent gliomas in patients with multiple sclerosis. MedRxiv, July 4, 2022.

Zhang X-W, Huck K, Jähne K, Cichon F, Sonner JK, Ufer F, Bauer S, Woo MS, Green E, Lu K, Kilian M, Friese MA, Platten M, Sahm K: Activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein/activity-regulated gene 3.1 (Arc/Arg3.1) enhances dendritic cell vaccination in experimental melanoma. Oncoimmunology, 10:1920739, 2021.

Kessler T, Berberich A, Casalini B, Drüschler K, Ostermann H, Dormann A, Walter S, Hai L, Schlesner M, Herold-Mende C, Jungk C, Unterberg A, Bendszus M, Sahm K, von Deimling A, Winkler F, Platten M, Wick W, Sahm F, Wick A: Molecular profiling-based decision for targeted therapies in IDH wild-type glioblastoma. Neurooncol Adv, 2:vdz060, 2020.

Anssar TM, Leitzmann MF, Linker RA, Meier C, Becker C, Jick S, Sahm K, Platten M, Hau P, Seliger C: Autoimmune diseases and immunosuppressive therapy in relation to the risk of glioma. Cancer Med, 9:1263-75, 2020.

Deumelandt K, Platten M, Ochs K: Synergy of vaccination and agonist OX40 treatment-toward a mechanism-driven combination of glioma immunotherapy. Neuro Oncol, 20:4-5, 2018.

Ochs K, Ott M, Bunse T, Sahm F, Bunse L, Deumelandt K, Sonner JK, Keil M, von Deimling A, Wick W, Platten M: K27M-mutant histone-3 as a novel target for glioma immunotherapy. Oncoimmunology, 6:e1328340, 2017.

Breckwoldt MO, Bode J, Kurz FT, Hoffmann A, Ochs K, Ott M, Deumelandt K, Krüwel T, Schwarz D, Fischer M, Helluy X, Milford D, Kirschbaum K, Solecki G, Chiblak S, Abdollahi A, Winkler F, Wick W, Platten M, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Tews B: Correlated magnetic resonance imaging and ultramicroscopy (MR-UM) is a tool kit to assess the dynamics of glioma angiogenesis. eLife,
5:e11712, 2016.

Ochs K, Ott M, Rauschenbach KJ, Deumelandt K, Sahm F, Opitz CA, von Deimling A, Wick W, Platten M: Tryptophan-2,3-dioxy-genase is regulated by prostaglandin E2 in malignant glioma via a positive signaling loop involving prostaglandin E receptor-4. J Neurochem, 136:1142-54, 2015.

Ochs K, Sahm F, Opitz CA, Lanz TV, Oezen I, Couraud PO, von Deimling A, Wick W, Platten M: Immature mesenchymal stem cell-like pericytes as mediators of immunosuppression in human malignant glioma. J Neuroimmunol, 265:106-16, 2013.

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European Center for Angioscience

Medical Faculty Mannheim
Heidelberg University
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
D-68167 Mannheim

Phone +49 621/383-71450

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