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Prof. Dr. Stefan Schönberg

Project Z02

Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University Medical Center, Mannheim and European Center for Angioscience, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University


Professional Career

Since 2007


Department of Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

University Medical Center Mannheim, Medical Faculty Mannheim

University of Heidelberg, Germany

2001 -2007

Associate Professor

of Radiology, Associate Chair of Clinical Operations, Section Chief MRI, Department of Clinical Radiology

Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany

1999 - 2001

Section Chief

CT, MRI and Ultrasound

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

1998 - 1999


Department of Radiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA



University of Heidelberg, Germany

Selected Publications

Meyer M, Hohenberger P, Overhoff D, Bartsch A, Henzler T, Haubenreisser H, Ronald J, Schmidt B, Flohr T, Sedlmair M, Ota H, Messiou C, Schoenberg SO, Riedel RF, Nelson RC, Marin D: Dual-energy CT vital iodine tumor burden for response assessment in patients with metastatic GIST undergoing TKI therapy: Comparison with standard CT and FDG PET/CT criteria. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 24:1- 11, 2022.


Gassert FG, Rübenthaler J, Cyran CC, Rink JS, Schwarze V, Luitjens J, Gassert FT, Makowski MR, Schoenberg SO, Mayerhoefer ME, Tamandl D, Froelich MF: 18F FDG PET/MRI with hepatocytespecific contrast agent for M staging of rectal cancer: a primary economic evaluation. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 48:3268-76, 2021.


Overhoff D, Kohlmann P, Frydrychowicz A, Gatidis S, Loewe C, Moltz J, Kuhnigk JM, Gutberlet M, Winter H, Völker M, Hahn H, Schoenberg SO: The International Radiomics Platform - An Initiative of the German and Austrian Radiological Societies - First Application Examples. RöFo, 193:276-88, 2021.


Pianykh OS, Langs G, Dewey M, Enzmann DR, Herold CJ, Schoenberg SO, Brink JA: Continuous learning AI in radiology: Implem-entation principles and early applications. Radiology, 297:6-14, 2020.


Woźnicki P, Westhoff N, Huber T, Riffel P, Froelich MF, Gresser E, von Hardenberg J, Mühlberg A, Michel MS, Schoenberg SO, Nörenberg D: Multiparametric MRI for prostate cancer characterization: Combined use of radiomics model with PI-RADS and clinical parameters. Cancers, 12:1767, 2020.


Baumann S, Hirt M, Schoepf UJ, Rutsch M, Tesche C, Renker M, Golden JW, Buss SJ, Becher T, Bojara W, Weiss C, Papavassiliu T, Akin I, Borggrefe M, Schoenberg SO, Haubenreisser H, Overhoff D, Lossnitzer D: Correlation of machine learning computed tomography-based fractional flow reserve with instantaneous wave free ratio to detect hemodynamically significant coronary stenosis. Clin Res Cardiol, 109:735-45. 2020.


Fischer AM, Varga-Szemes A, Martin SS, Sperl JI, Sahbaee P, Neumann D, Gawlitza J, Henzler T, Johnson CM, Nance JW, Schoenberg SO, Schoepf UJ: Artificial intelligence-based fully automated per lobe segmentation and emphysema-quantification based on chest computed tomography compared with global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease severity of smokers. J Thorac Imaging, 1:S28-S34, 2020.


von Knebel Doeberitz PL, De Cecco CN, Schoepf UJ, Albrecht MH, van Assen M, De Santis D, Gaskins J, Martin S, Bauer MJ, Ebersberger U, Giovagnoli DA, Varga-Szemes A, Bayer RR 2nd, Schoenberg SO, Tesche C: Impact of coronary computerized tomography angiography-derived plaque quantification and machine-learning computerized tomography fractional flow reserve on adverse cardiac outcome. Am J Cardiol, 124:1340-8, 2019.

von Knebel Doeberitz PL, De Cecco CN, Schoepf UJ, Duguay TM, Albrecht MH, van Assen M, Bauer MJ, Savage RH, Pannell JT, De Santis D, Johnson AA, Varga-Szemes A, Bayer RR, Schoenberg SO, Nance JW, Tesche C: Coronary CT angiography-derived plaque quantification with artificial intelligence CT fractional flow reserve for the identification of lesion-specific ischemia. Eur Radiol, 29:2378-87, 2019.


Umutlu L, Beyer T, Grueneisen JS, Rischpler C, Quick HH, Veit-Haibach P, Eiber M, Purz S, Antoch G, Gatidis S, Nikolaou K, Schaefer JF, Schoenberg SO, Rausch I, Herrmann K: Whole-body [18F]- FDG-PET/MRI for oncology: A consensus recommendation. Konsensempfehlungen zur Anwendung der Ganzkörper [18F]-FDG-PET/MRT in der onkologischen Bildgebung. RöFo, 191:289-97. 2019.

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European Center for Angioscience

Medical Faculty Mannheim
Heidelberg University
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
D-68167 Mannheim

Phone +49 621/383-71450

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