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Dr. Mahak Singhal

Project C06

European Center for Angioscience

Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University


Professional Career

Since 2021

Junior Research Group Leader

European Center for Angioscience, Innovationcampus,

Medical Faculty of Mannheim, Heidelberg University

2019 - 2021

Postdoctoral fellow

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

2013 - 2019


Faculty of Biosciences, Heidelberg University

Selected Publications

Singhal M# , Gengenbacher N, Abdul Pari AA, Kamiyama M, Hai L, Kuhn B, Kallenberg DM, Kulkarni SR, Camilli C, Leuchs B, Mogler C, Espinet E, Besemfelder E, Heide D, Heikenwalder M, Sprick MR, Trumpp A, Krijgsveld J, Schlesner M, Hu J, Moss SE, Greenwood J, Augustin HG# : Temporal multiomics identifies LRG1 as a vascular niche instructor of metastatic colonization. Sci Transl Med, 13:eabe6805, 2021. (#Corresponding authors).


O'Connor MN, Kallenberg DM, Camilli C, Pilotti C, Dritsoula A, Jackstadt R, Bowers CE, Watson HA, Alatsatianos M, Ohme J, Dowsett L, George J, Blackburn JWD, Wang X, Singhal M, Augustin HG, Ager A, Sansom OJ, Moss SE, Greenwood J: LRG1 destabilizes tumor vessels and restricts immunotherapeutic potency. Med, 2:1231-52, 2021.


Gengenbacher N*, Singhal M*, Mogler C, Hai L, Milde L, Abdul Pari AA, Besemfelder E, Fricke C, Baumann D, Gehrs S, Utikal J, Felcht M, Hu J, Schlesner M, Offringa R, Chintharlapalli SR, Augustin HG: Timed Ang2-targeted therapy identifies the Angiopoietin-Tie pathway as key regulator of fatal lymphogenous metastasis. Cancer Discov, 11:424-45, 2021. (*equal contribution)


Singhal M, Gengenbacher N, La Porta S, Gehrs S, Shi J, Kamiyama M, Bodenmiller DM, Fischl A, Schieb B, Besemfelder E, Chintharlapalli S, Augustin HG: Preclinical validation of a novel metastasisinhibiting Tie1 function-blocking antibody. EMBO Mol Med, 12:e11164, 2020. Accompanied by an editorial by Prof. Robert Kerbel. EMBO Mol Med, 12:e12355, 2020.


Abdul Pari AA*, Singhal M*, Hübers C, Mogler C, Schieb B, Gampp A, Gengenbacher N, Reynolds LE, Terhardt D, Géraud C, Utikal J, Thomas M, Goerdt S, Hodivala-Dilke KM, Augustin HG# , Felcht M# : Tumor cell-derived Angiopoietin-2 promotes metastasis in melanoma. Cancer Res, 80:2586- 98, 2020 (*equal contribution, #Corresponding authors)

Singhal M*, Liu X*, Inverso D, Jiang K, Dai J, He H, Bartels S, Li W, Pari AAA, Gengenbacher N, Besemfelder E, Hui L, Augustin HG# , Hu J# : Endothelial cell fitness dictates the source of regenerating liver vasculature. J Exp Med, 215:2497-508, 2018. (*equal contribution, #Corresponding authors). Accompanied by an editorial by Prof. Luisa Iruela-Arispe. J Exp Med, 215:2480-2, 2018.


La Porta S, Roth L, Singhal M, Mogler C, Spegg C, Schieb B, Qu X, Adams RH, Bladwin HS, Savant S, Augustin HG: Endothelial Tie1-mediated angiogenesis and vascular abnormalization promote tumor progression and metastasis. J Clin Invest,128:834-45, 2018.


Gengenbacher N*, Singhal M*, Augustin HG: Preclinical mouse solid tumour models: status quo, challenges and perspectives. Nat Rev Cancer, 17:751-65, 2017. (*equal contribution)


Kumar A*, Singhal M*, Chopra C*, Srinivasan S, Surabhi RP, Kanumuri R, Tentu S, Jagadeeshan S, Sundaram S, Ramanathan K, Shankar Pitani R, Muthuswamy B, Abhijit S, Nair AS, Venkatraman G, Rayala SK: Threonine 209 phosphorylation on RUNX3 by Pak1 is a molecular switch for its dualistic functions. Oncogene, 35:4857-65, 2016. (*equal contribution)


Jagadeeshan S*, Krishnamoorthy YR*, Singhal M*, Subramanian A*, Mavuluri J, Lakshmi A, Roshini A, Baskar G, Ravi M, Joseph LD, Sadasivan K, Krishnan A, Nair AS, Venkatraman G, Rayala SK: Transcriptional regulation of fibronectin by p21-activated kinase-1 modulates pancreatic tumorigenesis. Oncogene, 34:455-64, 2015. (*equal contribution)

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European Center for Angioscience

Medical Faculty Mannheim
Heidelberg University
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
D-68167 Mannheim

Phone +49 621/383-71450

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