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Prof. Dr. Didier Stainier

Project A04

Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research

Bad Nauheim


Professional Career

Since 2015

Professor of Biology

University of Frankfurt, Germany

Since 2012


Department of Developmental Genetics

Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim, Germany

2003 - 2012


Biochemistry & Biophysics

University of California, San Francisco, USA

2000 - 2003

Associate Professor

Biochemistry & Biophysics

University of California, San Francisco, USA

1995 - 2000

Assistant Professor

Biochemistry & Biophysics

University of California, San Francisco, USA

1990 - 1994

Postdoctoral Fellow.

Massachusetts General Hospital

Harvard Medical School, USA,

1984 - 1990


Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Harvard University, USA

Selected Publications

Priya R, Allanki S, Gentile A, Mansingh S, Uribe V, Maischein HM, Stainier DYR: Tension heterogeneity directs form and fate to pattern the myocardial wall. Nature, 588:130-4, 2020.

El-Brolosy MA, Kontarakis Z, Rossi A, Kuenne C, Günther S, Fukuda N, Kikhi K, Boezio GLM, Takacs CM, Lai SL, Fukuda R, Gerri C, Giraldez AJ, Stainier DYR: Genetic compensation triggered by mutant mRNA degradation. Nature, 568:193-7, 2019.

Reischauer S, Stone O, Villasenor A, Jin S, Chi N, Martin M, Lee MT, Fukuda N, Marass M, Fiddes I, Kuo T, Chung WS, Salek S, Lerrigo R, Alsiö J, Luo S, Tworus D, Augustine SM, Mucenieks S, Nystedt B, Giraldez AJ, Schroth GP, Andersson O, Stainier DYR: Cloche is a bHLH-PAS transcription factor that drives haemato-vascular specification. Nature, 535:294-8, 2016.

Rossi A, Kontarakis Z, Gerri C, Nolte H, Hölper S, Krüger M, Stainier DYR: Genetic compensation induced by deleterious mutations but not gene knockdowns. Nature, 524:230-3, 2015.

Herbert SP, Huisken J, Kim TN, Feldman ME, Houseman BT, Wang RA, Shokat KM, Stainier DYR: Arterial/Venous Segregation by Selective Cell Sprouting: An Alternative Mode of Blood Vessel Formation. Science, 326:294-8, 2009.

Vogeli KM, Jin S-W, Martin GR, Stainier DYR: A common progenitor for hematopoietic and endothelial lineages in the zebrafish gastrula. Nature, 443:337-9, 2006.

Ober EA, Verkade H, Field HA, Stainier DYR: Mesodermal Wnt2b signaling positively regulates liver specification. Nature, 442:688-91, 2006.

Horne-Badovinac S, Rebagliati M, Stainier DYR: A cellular framework for gut looping morphogenesis in zebrafish. Science, 302:662-5, 2003.

Walsh EC, Stainier DYR: UDP-glucose dehydrogenase required for cardiac valve formation in zebrafish. Science, 293:1670-3, 2001.

Kupperman E, An S, Osborne N, Waldron S, Stainier DYR: A sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor regulates cell migration during vertebrate heart development. Nature, 406:192-5, 2000.

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European Center for Angioscience

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Heidelberg University
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D-68167 Mannheim

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